Archived articles

Applied physics laboratory

Outer space
Parker Solar Probe circles the sun
Published Nov 20, 2018
The data gathered during its orbit will be relayed back to mission control beginning Dec. 7
Parker Solar Probe phones home after racing around the sun
Published Nov 8, 2018
Mission controllers at Applied Physics Lab receive status beacon signal after spacecraft completes its first perihelion
Into the unknown
Parker Solar Probe readies for close encounter
Published Nov 5, 2018 Video
Tonight, the probe will reach its first perihelion, when it will pass within 15 million miles of the sun's surface
Parker Solar Probe
The fastest, hottest mission under the sun
Published Oct 31, 2018
Spacecraft shatters records as it prepares for its first solar encounter
Budding engineers get professional experience at APL
Published Oct 9, 2018
Bijan Varjavand spent the summer as an intern for RISE@APL, a program that gives budding engineers professional experience at Applied Physics Lab
Does the brain work like a swarm of robots?
Published Oct 2, 2018
What does the brain have in common with a swarm of robots? Could be more than you think.
Interdiscplinary scholar
Renowned chemical engineer named BDP
Published Sept 18, 2018
Michael Tsapatsis creates molecular sieve membranes and catalysts to improve industrial efficiency and reduce waste, pollution
Throwing DARTs at approaching asteroids
Published Sept 6, 2018
APL-led mission will test a technique for deflecting asteroids on a collision course with earth
cyber warfare
Protecting U.S. energy grid from cyber attacks
Published Sept 5, 2018
Paul Stockton, APL senior fellow and former Defense Department official, outlines plan to protect U.S. energy grid through defense and deterrence
Taking the sun's measure
Published Fall 2018
The Parker Solar Probe is on its way to graze the sun, and the data it gathers may help answer some perplexing questions. / Johns Hopkins Magazine