Faculty Expert Profile

Stuart Ray

  • Professor of Medicine
  • Vice Chair of Medicine for Data Integrity and Analytics, Department of Medicine


  • Johns Hopkins Medicine

Stuart C. Ray, MD, FACP, FIDSA serves as Vice-Chair of Medicine for Data Integrity and Analytics, Assistant Dean for Research, and is a Professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases within the Department of Medicine, with a secondary appointment in Oncology. He is a virologist and clinical investigator in the Center for Viral Hepatitis Research in the Division of Infectious Diseases.

He is a faculty member of the Janeway Firm of the Osler Medical Service, and the graduate programs in Immunology, Pharmacology, and Health Sciences Informatics. He is a member of the Johns Hopkins Medicine Data Trust Council, and Co-Chair of the Research Sub-council.

Dr. Ray received his M.D. from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in 1990. After an internship and residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital, he continued there as an Assistant Chief of Service and fellow in Infectious Diseases. During his fellowship, he studied the immunology and sequence variation of HIV in the laboratory of Dr. Robert Bollinger. During that time, he developed an interest in RNA virus evolution in productive collaborations with Dr. Robert Siliciano.

In 1997, Dr. Ray joined the Johns Hopkins faculty, and under the mentorship of Dr. David Thomas shifted his primary research focus to hepatitis C virus (HCV). His laboratory work has focused on the evolution of HCV during acute and chronic infection, developing and applying computational and molecular biology tools to underlying mechanisms including stochastic variation, immune selection, and viral fitness. He continues to care for patients with HIV, HCV, and other infectious diseases.

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