Faculty Expert Profile

Paul Ferraro

  • Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Business and Engineering


  • Bloomberg School of Public Health
  • Whiting School of Engineering
  • Carey Business School
  • Center for behavioral and experimental agri-environmental research (CBEAR)
  • Business in Government (BIG) Initiative

Paul J. Ferraro is a Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Business and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. Ferraro has a joint faculty appointment with the Whiting School of Engineering and the Carey Business School.

His research focuses on behavioral economics and the design and evaluation of environmental programs in the private and public sector. Because these research areas are multi-disciplinary and applied, he collaborates with scientists and engineers from a variety of social, natural, and physical science disciplines, as well as practitioners in the field.

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Hub coverage

After Supreme Court EPA ruling, regulatory patchwork remains
Published Aug 23, 2022
A lack of unified national regulation will not only slow the Biden administration's goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but will also slow business investments and innovation, according to climate policy expert Paul Ferraro

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