Faculty Expert Profile

Pablo Celnik

  • Director of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation



  • Johns Hopkins Medicine
  • Science of Learning Institute

Languages spoken

  • English
  • Spanish

Pablo Celnik serves as vice chair for research in the Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Department, medical director of the outpatient neurorehabilitation program, and director of the Human Brain Physiology and Stimulation Laboratory at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Celnik is internationally-recognized for his expertise and research in neurologic rehabilitation, particularly with stroke and traumatic brain injury.

His research focuses on understanding the mechanisms underlying motor learning and motor recovery after brain lesions, and on developing new strategies to enhance motor recovery after stroke. The aim of his research is to develop and test new interventions to enhance motor function in healthy individuals and in patients with neurological damage. Celnik's research has formed the foundational knowledge for the application of non-invasive brain stimulation techniques, like transcranial magnetic and electric stimulation, to understand recovery after brain lesions, augment motor learning and design novel rehabilitation training interventions.

Celnik has received numerous prestigious awards , including the 2009 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government on outstanding scientists and engineers beginning their independent careers.

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