Faculty Expert Profile

Michela Gallagher

  • Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience


  • Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts and Sciences

Languages spoken

  • English

Michela Gallagher studies the neural systems involved in memory and attention, in particular the effects of aging on memory and how to potentially stop or delay symptoms of early cognitive decline from diseases including Alzheimer's.

Her research examines the neurobiological basis for widely differing outcomes at older ages -- why are some older adults cognitively impaired while others have well-preserved cognitive function. She studies these neurobiological mechanisms in rats, mice, and humans, and leads a series of studies to test treatments designed to improve memory in both animals humans who are at risk for Alzheimer's disease.

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Johns Hopkins neuroscientists find brain mechanism tied to age-related memory loss
Published May 20, 2022
As the brain ages, a region in the hippocampus becomes imbalanced, causing forgetfulness. Scientists say understanding this region of the brain and its function may be the key to preventing cognitive decline.

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