Faculty Expert Profile

James Knierim



  • Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts and Sciences
  • School of Medicine

James Knierim is a professor of neuroscience at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. His research focuses on the neurophysiology of memory in the hippocampal formation. Dr. Knierim is a researcher at the Zanvyl Krieger Mind/Brain Institute at Johns Hopkins.

His work has investigated how the zero-gravity environment of NASA's Space Shuttle affects spatial orientation; how the sense of direction (your "internal compass") affects spatial perceptions; and how objects and landmarks become incorporated into the brain's "cognitive map" of an environment in ways that are crucial for the normal formation of long-term memories. Currently, Dr. Knierim is focused on understanding the information processing that occurs in different stages of the hippocampus, from the input representations of the entorhinal cortex through the different subregions within the hippocampus.

Hub coverage

Johns Hopkins neuroscientists find brain mechanism tied to age-related memory loss
Published May 20, 2022
As the brain ages, a region in the hippocampus becomes imbalanced, causing forgetfulness. Scientists say understanding this region of the brain and its function may be the key to preventing cognitive decline.
Brain matters
Neuroscientists focus on where memories begin
Published April 14, 2014 Video
Place cells in hippocampus help construct cognitive map, study suggests

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