Faculty Expert Profile

Andrew Perrin

  • Professor
  • SNF Agora Institute Professor of Sociology


  • SNF Agora Institute
  • Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts and Sciences

Andrew Perrin is a professor of sociology in the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences and the SNF Agora Institute. He is a cultural and political sociologist working on issues of democracy, including civic engagement and effects of higher education, and public. Perrin's research explores what people need to know, do, and be to be effective, creative and thoughtful democratic citizens. He also has studied public opinion and letters to the editor, college education's effect on civic engagement; children's movies, and obesity.

Perrin writes on the intersection of culture and democracy, and is an author or co-author of five books, including "Citizen Speak: The Democratic Imagination in American Life" and "America Democracy: From Tocqueville to Town Halls to Twitter."

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