Monday marked the first day of remote learning for Johns Hopkins undergraduate students, who will close out the spring semester away from their friends, classmates, and instructors. It also marked the start of the second week of remote learning for most graduate students, who have already begun to adjust to a new normal under the tightened social distancing measures and restrictions designed to slow the spread of COVID-19.
To provide a lift during an emotional and disruptive time for students and faculty alike, a cross-section of faculty members from across Johns Hopkins University's academic divisions recorded messages of encouragement over the weekend. The videos, posted on Instagram on Sunday night, feature Hopkins faculty offering their students words of advice, support, and sympathy.
Image caption: Johns Hopkins faculty members record Instagram videos for their students with messages of support, sympathy, and encouragement as the Spring 2020 semester moves to remote learning.
In many of the messages, cameos from dogs, cats, and children provide a much-needed dose of cuteness and levity. Some instructors recorded from the home offices from which they will conduct classes, while others modeled ways to pair social distancing with outdoor activity. Despite the different approaches, the messaging remained consistent: "We're all in this together."
Posted in University News, Student Life
Tagged faculty, coronavirus