A man examining his watch. A typhoon ravaging a town.

Image caption: Mina Garagozlo's 'Innocence'
A little girl running through the sprinklers.
An empty swing. A football play. Dancing in the streets.
These are some of the images Montgomery County high school students depicted when asked to come up with an art piece that fits the theme "a moment in time."
For the eighth year, Johns Hopkins University's Montgomery County Campus is hosting an art show featuring the work of young artists and photographers. Students from 16 of the county's public high schools submitted entries to the competition, which features more than 140 2-D art pieces and more than 150 photographs. Jurors selected approximately 40 art pieces and approximately 40 photographs to be showcased in the exhibit. Nine students won prizes for their original work.
The competing artists, selected by their high school art teachers, were each given a canvas in October. The entries were due in January. The canvases were donated by the Rockville location of Plaza Arts, an artist material and picture framing company.
Hundreds of parents, students and community residents gathered for the Jan. 30 opening of the exhibit, which will be on display through April 1 in the lobby of the campus' 9605 Building. The exhibit is free and open to the public.
Jurists gave top marks to works that displayed strong technical ability. Pieces also had to creatively reflect the "moment in time" theme.
Nora Manzella of the Visual Arts Center at Albert Einstein High School took first-place honors in the mixed-media category for her painting "Moment in the Street." Mina Garagozlo of Quince Orchard High School won the photography category for her photo "Innocence."
Posted in Arts+Culture, Community
Tagged community, montgomery county campus, visual art