Archived articles

Climate change

With Inflation Reduction Act, U.S. sees landmark action on climate change
Published Aug 12, 2022
Experts from the Ralph O'Connor Sustainable Energy Institute discuss the legislation's impact on renewable energy, carbon capture technology, and other approaches to environmental sustainability
Environmental scientist responds to SCOTUS ruling on the Clean Air Act
Published July 20, 2022
Benjamin Link, ROSEI managing director, discusses the political fallout from 'West Virginia v. EPA,' which limits the Environmental Protection Agency's ability to regulate power plant emissions
Climate science
Simultaneous extreme weather created dangerous conditions in U.S.
Published June 28, 2022
The dangerous extremes are expected to continue to topple records as the effects of climate change continue to shift weather patterns
Climate science
Study: In wake of hurricane, microbial ecosystem remarkably resilient
Published June 2, 2022
Findings offer hope for coastal regions even as climate change intensifies storm risk
COVID-19 stimulus could have addressed climate objectives, too
Published March 2, 2022
Economic growth was prioritized when pandemic stimulus could have combined economic and climate objectives, Johns Hopkins experts say
Environmental health
A breath of fresh air
Published March 2, 2022
Peter DeCarlo and postdoctoral researcher Ellis Robinson are part of an international project studying air quality in Fairbanks, Alaska
Mapping climate change data
Published Fall 2021
When David Marvin launched Salo Sciences in 2016, he had one goal in mind: Give people in all sectors, and in the general public, access to clear and accurate data about climate change. / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Global warming
Currents of change
Published Summer 2021
The complex relationship between climate change and the oceans already affects our lives, and as the planet warms, we haven't seen the worst of it / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Environmental engineering
New model more accurately predicts how massive glaciers melt
Published Feb 23, 2021
Statistical models of the topography of glacier beds will lead to more accurate predictions of heat flow and subsequent ice melt for decades to come
Cash transfers to the poor linked to ecological benefits
Published June 12, 2020
Study finds that cash infusions to poor communities in Indonesia led to less deforestation of the nation's rainforests