Archived articles


Tracking COVID-19 omicron variants
Published Nov 11, 2022
Andrew Pekosz and Joshua Sharfstein discuss the many faces of omicron, which tools are still holding up against it, and what virologists are still waiting to see from this virus
Study finds similar risks for those hospitalized with omicron, delta variants
Published April 26, 2022
People who contracted the omicron or delta variants of COVID-19 required similar levels of respiratory support and intensive care when hospitalized, study finds
Why it's time to upgrade to an N95 or KN95 mask
Published Jan 25, 2022
Better masks are needed to protect against the highly transmissible omicron variant, says Bloomberg School expert Chris Beyrer, who also discusses proper mask care and when it's time to throw your mask away
Making sense of the messiness of omicron
Published Jan 10, 2022
In this Q+A, experts from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health address some common questions and scenarios with what is known right now
The latest on omicron
Published Dec 10, 2021
The COVID-19 variant is infecting the vaccinated and spreading quickly around the world. Here's what we know so far.
COVID-19 briefing
Omicron variant is likely everywhere, delta cases increasing
Published Dec 6, 2021
Delta remains dominant around the world while omicron emerges, though time will tell whether the new variant will challenge vaccine effectiveness
What we know about the omicron variant
Published Nov 30, 2021
With a worrisome number of mutations and a spike of cases in southern Africa, omicron is the latest COVID-19 variant of concern