Archived articles


Get to know your Prodensity app (and make sure you've got version 2.1)
Published July 29, 2021
A daily health check-in will be needed whenever you're on a university campus
Do you have your J-Card ready to go?
Published July 29, 2021
Here's what you need to know about getting or replacing your official university ID
Support for employees and managers returning to the workplace
Published July 15, 2021
Check out these tips—and sign up for an upcoming online support session
JHU Healthy at Hopkins launches new free online fitness and wellness program
Published July 15, 2021
The BurnAlong platform can be accessed on phones, tablets, computers, and smart TVs—and your friends can join you
University operations
Johns Hopkins announces COVID-19 vaccine mandate for faculty, staff
Published June 9, 2021
Faculty and staff must provide proof of vaccination or apply for medical or religious exceptions by Aug. 1