Archived articles

Eating disorders

Eating malfunction
Published Winter 2024
Next to opioid use disorder, anorexia is the most deadly mental health illness. In all, 5% of patients will die within the first four years of diagnosis as a result of heart failure, organ shutdown, low blood sugar, or suicide. The Eating Disorders Coalition reports that every 52 minutes, at least one person loses their life as a direct result of an eating disorder. / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Stress and anorexia
Published July 9, 2015
Study suggests link between prenatal stress, abnormal hunger signals in the brain / Hopkins Medicine
Health conscious
Published Feb 22, 2013
Nutrition seminars, art exhibit planned for Eating Disorders Awareness Week
The picky eater's dilemma
Published Fall 2012
For thousands of adults, highly selective eating can affect health, social life, relationships / Johns Hopkins Magazine