Archived articles

Dark matter

Dark matter may be older than the big bang
Published Aug 8, 2019
Mathematical model suggests dark matter may have been produced before the big bang during cosmic inflation, when space was expanding rapidly
'Hubble Tension'
Cosmic crisis quelled?
Published Nov 28, 2018
Hopkins theorists suggest that an exotic form of dark energy is responsible for a discrepancy in the rate at which the universe expands
Measurements of the universe provide evidence of the unknown
Published July 12, 2018
Astronomers calculate most accurate measurement to date of universe's expansion rate, providing further evidence of a physics mystery
Dark matter's cooling property
Published March 5, 2018
New findings published in 'Nature' suggest dark matter can absorb heat energy, as JHU researchers predicted
Hubble's inconsistent constant
Published March 2, 2018
The universe is expanding faster than expected, and cosmologists aren't sure why
Can one cosmic mystery help solve another?
Published Aug 24, 2016
Astrophysicists from Johns Hopkins propose using mysterious fast radio bursts to help detect dark matter