Archived articles

Civil engineering

Bridge safety
Johns Hopkins engineers studying ship collision risk for bridges
Published May 29, 2024
Preliminary results expected this summer on an urgent assessment of the country's bridges
3 Questions
Structural engineer discusses Baltimore's Key Bridge collapse
Published March 26, 2024
Bridge expert Rachel Sangree talks about how long, continuous spans in the bridge design played a role in its collapse
Civil engineering
Better flood damage forecasting
Published Nov 27, 2023
Natural disaster risk modeling provides a reliable and affordable way for governments to estimate expected damage caused by rivers overflowing their banks
Space safety
Hopkins, Carnegie Mellon to co-lead new NASA institute
Published March 16, 2023
The JHU-CMU team is spearheading a Space Technology Research Institute to prevent failure in additively manufactured spaceflight materials
From highways to high-rises: New uses for automotive steel?
Published Sept 30, 2020
'Advanced' automotive steel is four times stronger than standard construction steel and could be used to create more sustainable and resilient buildings
JHU researcher will build new tools to model pandemic's spread
Published June 12, 2020
Civil and systems engineer Lauren Gardner, whose COVID-19 global tracker is now world famous, will help construct databases to better understand how the coronavirus moves from person to person
Whiting School
Department of Civil Engineering expands focus
Published Dec 2, 2019
The reimagined Department of Civil and Systems Engineering will focus on identifying solutions to society's 'grand challenges'
public health
Analysis predicts U.S. counties at risk for measles outbreaks
Published May 9, 2019
New analysis predicts locations for possible future U.S. outbreaks based on international air travel, vaccination rates, population data
Climate change, superstorms, and civil engineering
Published Sept 13, 2018
Two Hopkins engineers discuss the critical importance of shoring up America's infrastructure to protect from storms like Florence
Cool beans
Student engineers show can-do attitude
Published Sept 13, 2017
Hopkins team builds life-size replica of Baltimore water taxi out of tin cans for design competition