Archived articles

Alumni association news

Pioneering Women
Published Summer 2024
In 1974, the first undergraduate class at JHU to include women received their diplomas. Many of them recently returned to campus to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the university's coeducation program. / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Career course corrections
Published Winter 2023
The Alumni Life Design Experience course is a joint venture from the Johns Hopkins Alumni Association and Integrative Learning & Life Design that guides alumni through career changes / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Bookmark these good reads
Published Spring 2023
If you are an alum and have written a book—or more than one—a space is waiting for you on JHU's virtual Alumni Authors Bookshelf / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Offline connections
Published Spring 2022
Johns Hopkins University alumni are once again networking and socializing face to face, thanks to some creative event planning by the Alumni Association / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Published Fall 2020
Nursing alumna Lucia Diaz—a winner of the Alumni Association's 2020 Community Champion Award—is addressing health disparities among immigrants in Los Angeles, her hometown / Johns Hopkins Magazine
Alumni Association News
Published Spring 2020
Hopkins Connect is making it easier for students to find alumni mentors / Johns Hopkins Magazine