
HEMI's first artist-in-residence makes art out of destruction

Image shows two broken down images. One is a disintegrating block, the other is a disintegrating tie

Credit: Jay Gould

At the end of each semester, K.T. Ramesh, director of the Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute, playfully invites his students to slice off a piece of his necktie when they turn in their final exams.

The institute studies how materials and structures respond to extreme stress, and when HEMI researchers recognized that they were struggling to present their work visually, they began collaborating with visual artists from the Maryland Institute College of Art, creating the HEMI Extreme Arts Program.

In this photograph, Jay Gould, a MICA faculty member and HEMI's first artist-in-residence, juxtaposed one of Ramesh's end-of-the-semester ties with basalt fractured in a HEMI lab.