Image caption: Stephen Milner and Harry Goldberg
Image credit: Keith Weller / JHMI
In treating burn victims, the first eight hours are critical—every minute counts. After a medical mission to Kenya following two catastrophic fires in early 2009, Stephen Milner, director of the Johns Hopkins Burn Center, set out to find a quick and effective way to teach people how to stabilize patients in those first crucial hours after a burn. The result is the Burn Medical Education app, or BurnMed, which Milner created in collaboration with Harry Goldberg, director of academic computing at the School of Medicine. The mobile app uses video, text, and 3-D images to explain proper care. "This app is designed so the user can understand the underlying procedures used to treat a burn victim within a few minutes," Goldberg says.
The free app, among others being developed at Johns Hopkins Medicine, is part of the Johns Hopkins Global mHealth Initiative, which uses mobile technology to improve global health in areas of the world with limited resources.
Posted in Health, Science+Technology
Tagged global health, stephen milner, mhealth