President's 'Ten by Twenty' progress report highlights successes to date

In March, university President Ronald J. Daniels shared 30 stories of successful programs and projects that exemplify the progress the university has made toward the 10 goals in his vision plan for 2020.

The Ten by Twenty progress report—available online at—highlights the way the university marshaled its expertise in response to the international Ebola crisis. It talks about progress that is being made on the East Baltimore Development Initiative. It profiles the launch of the Gateway Sciences Initiative to improve introductory teaching in science, math, and engineering. It puts a spotlight on the university's record-setting fundraising campaign.

Those snapshotsand 26 others fall under the four key priorities of the original Ten by Twenty plan: one university, commitment to our communities, individual excellence, and institution building. The progress report also includes a series of short videos in which faculty, students, and staff discuss how they think Johns Hopkins is doing and pose questions to the president about the future.

"Making a great research university like ours is a work in progress," Daniels says in one of those videos, "and this report is one milepost on a challenging and exciting journey."

From the beginning, Daniels has said that the Ten by Twenty plan is bold and that the road is not an easy one. The original report outlines a number of challenges, including the need for interdisciplinary research and education in a highly decentralized environment, changing expectations for undergraduate education, declines in research and clinical funding, and pressing economic needs in Baltimore and communities across the country.

"The goals seek to chart a course for the university that meets the looming challenges and captures the boundless opportunities ahead, while building on our strengths and honoring our history and traditions," Daniels said in that report.

In an email message, Daniels invited the university community to visit the progress report website. "Since we officially launched the Ten by Twenty in 2013, the conversation about our university's future has inspired progress toward our goals, illuminated the work yet to do, and ignited exciting new ideas," he said.

He also encouraged faculty, staff, and students to "keep the conversation about our university going.