1. What's at the top of your to-do list?
We're extremely busy in the summer, when we're hosting 40 to 45 camps and conferences—ranging from athletic camps to scholarly, leadership, and community service programs—on the Homewood campus. During the 10-week period, we check in and check out over 5,000 guests in the residence halls, do 56,000 bed nights, and introduce more than 7,000 visitors to Hopkins.

2. What keeps you up at night?
Summer is a fun time for us and the guests who come to the campus, but there is a lot of liability that comes along with hosting residential conference groups. Making it through the summer without any unfortunate incidents or accidents is always on my mind, day and night.
3. What's in store 10 years from now?
I'm very excited about the possibilities. It's a thrilling time to be at Hopkins with the potential of new facilities, new housing, new programs, etc. I think we'll see more events, more programming space and services, and more opportunities for our students to engage and thrive in a stronger campus community.
4. Tell me something I don't know about Johns Hopkins.
During the academic year, Charles Commons is our primary focus. We hosted 394 multiple-day events in its meeting facility last year. With all the student events and closing banquets, April is generally the busiest month of the fall and spring semesters.
Posted in University News