Faculty Expert Profile

Scott L. Zeger

  • John C. Malone Professor of Biostatistics and Medicine


  • Bloomberg School of Public Health
  • School of Medicine

Scott L. Zeger is professor of biostatistics at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and of Medicine at the School of Medicine. The former vice provost for research and interim university provost was the inaugural director of Hopkins inHealth, a signature initiative of the of Johns Hopkins University, Health System and Applied Physics Laboratory to bring modern biological and data sciences to the practice of American medicine and public health.

Professor Zeger is author or co-author of three books and more than 200 scientific articles. Science Watch identified Dr. Zeger as one the 25 most cited mathematical scientists. He conducts statistical research on regression analysis for correlated responses as occur in surveys, time series, longitudinal or genetics studies. He has made substantive contributions to our understanding of the health effects of smoking and air pollution, infectious diseases in children, and other topics.

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