Faculty Expert Profile

Paulette Clancy

  • Edward J. Schaefer Professor in Engineering

Paulette Clancy is known for her work in computational materials processing. She is the director of research for the JHU Data Science and AI Initiative, associate director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Integrated Structure-Mechanical Modeling and Simulation (CISMMS), and a fellow at the Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute (HEMI).

Clancy leads one of the top groups in the country studying atomic- and molecular-scale modeling of semiconductor materials, ranging from traditional silicon-based compounds to all-organic materials. Her lab focuses on studies of advanced materials processing and nucleation, including understanding the links between processing, structure, and function.

Her research areas are in development of new machine learning approaches to advance materials discovery and materials processing, including Bayesian optimization and active learning; specialization on especially complex situations, such as solution processing; and broad scope of materials from semiconductors to image processing to biomimetic situations.

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