Faculty Expert Profile

Nilanjan Chatterjee

  • Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Biostatistics


  • Bloomberg School of Public Health
  • School of Medicine

Nilanjan Chatterjee leads a broad research program in quantitative research that cuts across multiple areas of modern population-based biomedical science including statistical genetics/genomics, precision medicine and big data. The scientific goals of his studies include discovery of new biomarkers, understanding disease mechanisms, characterizing disease risk and developing risk-stratified approaches to disease prevention.

He has extensively collaborated in recent genome-wide association studies that have led to identification new cancer susceptibility SNPs, provided characterization of heritability, genetic architecture and gene-environment interaction, and led to better understanding of potential for genetic risk stratification for cancer prevention. Prior to joining Hopkins, Dr. Chatterjee worked at the National Cancer Institute for 16 years and led the Biostatistics Branch of the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics during 2008-2015.

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