Faculty Expert Profile

Ellen Mowry

  • Associate Program Director, Neuroimmunology and Neurological Infectious Disease Fellowship
  • Co-Director, MS Precision Medicine Center of Excellence
  • Director, Multiple Sclerosis Experimental Therapeutics Program
  • Professor


  • School of Medicine

Over the past several years, Dr. Ellen Mowry has worked primarily to perform epidemiologic investigations of multiple sclerosis (MS) risk and prognostic factors and has evaluated both genetic and environmental contributors. While she has had a major role in several such studies, her most significant work led to the identification of the association of vitamin D status with relapse and brain lesion risk in patients with MS. She also conducted the first pilot study comparing gut bacterial populations in patients with MS and healthy individuals.

She enjoys designing and conducting clinical trials in MS and is the Principal Investigator of the Vitamin D to Ameliorate Multiple Sclerosis (VIDAMS) multicenter vitamin D trial (NCT01490502), which is sponsored by the National MS Society and a smaller multicenter pilot study investigating vitamin D pharmacokinetics in MS patients and healthy controls (NCT01667796).

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