Faculty Expert Profile

Cheryl Dennison Himmelfarb

  • Associate Dean of Research
  • Sarah E. Allison Professor for Research and Self-Care


  • School of Nursing
  • Johns Hopkins Institute for Clinical and Translation Research

Languages spoken

  • English

Cheryl Dennison Himmelfarb works to reduce health disparities and improve the quality of care and outcomes for cardiovascular and critical care patients.

Her research has led to the development of effective and transferable strategies to improve the quality of cardiovascular care. Her work has also contributed to a greater understanding of social and cultural determinants of cardiovascular risk, particularly among black and resource-limited populations.

Her recent research has examined expanding the role of nurses to improve hypertension care and how social determinants increase the risk and outcomes of cardiovascular disease.

She leads the Research Participant and Community Partnership Core, a program at Johns Hopkins that has enhanced research participant experience and promoted best practices for research participant recruitment and retention and community-engaged research.

Recent coverage

Hub coverage

Health equity
Two Hopkins researchers receive $20M from NIH
Published Sep 30, 2021
Lisa Cooper, Deidra Crews will lead the Mid-Atlantic Center for Cardiometabolic Health Equity, which will address hypertension, obesity, diabetes, heart failure, and kidney disease
Heart health
New blood pressure guidance and what it means
Published Mar 12, 2018
School of Nursing expert Cheryl Dennison Himmelfarb discusses what people can do to lower their blood pressure

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