Faculty Expert Profile

Alexis Battle

  • Professor and Interim Co-director of the Data Science and AI Institute


  • Whiting School of Engineering
  • School of Medicine

Alexis Battle specializes in unlocking the secrets and function of the human genome by analyzing large-scale genomic sequencing data. Her research focuses on machine learning and developing statistical methods to examine how genetic differences between individuals contribute to differences in health, from cellular-level changes to disease outcomes.

As director of the Malone Center for Engineering in Healthcare, Battle provides the interface between the Malone Center and the Johns Hopkins Precision Medicine initiative. Her lab recently developed new methods in personal genomics for evaluating and predicting rare genetic variants that may impact an individual's health--work that could significantly improve our ability to diagnose rare diseases. Her current research spans from modeling how genes work together in interconnected pathways and how genetics interact with the environment to how these processes evolve over time. Her goal is to use genetic and multi-modal data to guide the understanding and treatment of diseases ranging from autism to cardiovascular disease.

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