Faculty Expert Profile

Alessandro Rebucci

  • Professor


  • Carey Business School


  • https://sites.google.com/site/alessandrorebucciphd/home

Alessandro Rebucci is a professor of economics, finance, and real estate whose areas of interest include international finance, macroeconomics, financial institutions, and international real estate. Professor Rebucci holds a joint appointment with the Economics Department in the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences and is affiliated with the Center for Urban & Real Estate Management and Globalization of Real Estate Network (University of Zurich) and the Centre for Applied Financial Economics (University of Southern California). He is associate editor for the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, the Journal of Banking of Finance, and the Journal of International Money and Finance. He has held Visiting Scholar Positions at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, the Central Bank of Finland and Brazil, and the IMF Research Department. He was also previously affiliated with the Inter-American Development Bank (2008-2013) and the International Monetary Fund (1998-2008).

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