SEPT. 17

Workshop: Flex Talk—Practical Communication Skills Using MBTI Personality Type Theory

Learn how to make your understanding of Meyers-Briggs preferences work for you

A female manager having a friendly conversation with one of her reports.


Clear communication has never been more important than it is today. As the world has become more complex, people have greater expectations; at the same time, we work in a climate of increasing time pressures, financial constraints, and personal accountability.

Given competing demands, it is not surprising that complaints and litigation continue to increase. Much of the time, disagreements relate more to what was said, or the way it was said, than to what was done.

In a workshop titled Flex Talk—Practical Communication Skills Using MBTI Personality Type Theory, participants will learn to understand their own psychological type preferences in terms of the MBTI (Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator) framework and identify the ways their type prefers to interact.

They also will learn to identify behavioral cues, understand how others prefer to receive communication, and how to "flex" their style according to type preferences.

It is suggested, but not required, that participants have some past knowledge of the MBTI.

Register here for the workshop, which will be offered virtually by Learning Solutions from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 17.

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