Saving for future goals and preparing for the unexpected

Here are seven steps you can take now to help you actualize your dreams

Man and woman walk toward a wood-framed outline of a house


Whether it's saving for that next chapter or milestone in your life, your dream car or vacation, or anything in between, the fundamentals remain the same: To achieve your goals, you'll need to craft a deliberate financial plan.

Once you have a goal in mind, how do you get from here to there?

Define your goals. First step is to define your goals and make sure they're measurable and attainable. This video can walk you through the steps to take to identify how much you'll need to save, and by when, so you have a clear path toward your goals.

Get a free financial coach. To support you in managing your financial health, JHU partners with Marsh McLennan Agency, an independent investment adviser. Through MMA's Prosper Wise digital platform, you can schedule time to meet virtually with a coach trained in financial planning, at no cost to you. MMA's coaches are unbiased and do not sell products or receive commissions. Click here to sign up for your financial well-being account with MMA.

Schedule a consultation. Sign up to speak to an MMA financial coach about your individual needs. Various topics can be discussed including:

  • Your employer retirement plan
  • General investment questions
  • Social Security
  • Debt and budgeting
  • Employee benefits and insurance
  • Pre-retirement planning
  • Tools on the Prosper Wise site

Take this online course: Saving for Goals. Whatever you're saving for, the fundamentals are the same. This 30-minute course examines the types of goals you may want to work toward and how to craft a deliberate plan to reach them. What you'll learn:

  • The importance of creating a savings habit
  • How to prioritize your goals
  • How to assign a savings goal and timeline
  • How to define your goals
  • Strategies to reach your goals faster
  • How to identify resources to reach your goals
  • Factors to consider when storing your savings
  • When to adjust your savings plan

Read this: How to Save for Major Milestones. Part of planning for a secure financial future is understanding the financial goals you'd like to achieve throughout your life. Saving for major milestones doesn't have to be overwhelming. With careful planning and smart investments, anyone can reach their goals. Read the full article here.

Listen to this webinar: Q2 Financial Trends. Hear from Marsh McLennan Agency about the economic and market environment for the second quarter of 2024. Members of MMA's investment team will provide commentary on the investment landscape and discuss factors driving the market's recent performance. Click here to request the recording.

Join this live webinar: Brainworks. As we age, brain functioning naturally declines, but our brain is adaptable if we train it appropriately, as we do our bodies. MMA's Brainworks workshop, scheduled for 2 to 3 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 13, will provide the critical components of brain health and training, as well as a personalized program that can be applied to your everyday life. Register here.

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