Great tips for Mental Health Awareness Month

Building a coping toolbox is an important first step for managing stress, difficult emotions, and challenging situations

An open metal toolbox


May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and this year's theme is Where to Start: Mental Health in a Changing World. When the world is constantly changing—whether for better or worse—it can be overwhelming to deal with everything going on around you, let alone to take care of your own well-being.

If you're unsure where to start when it comes to managing stress, difficult emotions, and challenging situations, building your coping toolbox is an important first step. To support mental health in a changing world, the Johns Hopkins Employee Assistance Program has put together a toolkit of resources that can provide support throughout May and beyond.

Here are five things you can do for your mental health right now:

  1. Take a mental health screening test. Online screening is one of the quickest and easiest ways to identify symptoms of a mental health condition.
  2. Start a conversation about mental health. Simply connecting can make a difference in the life of someone who is struggling. It doesn't have to be uncomfortable.
  3. Practice an attitude of gratitude. It's one of the most powerful ways to rewire your brain for more joy and less stress.
  4. Set limits on your news and social media time. Checking in occasionally is a great way to stay informed, but checking nonstop can quickly become doom-scrolling and can cause feelings of depression and anxiety.
  5. Leverage JHEAP, the Johns Hopkins Employee Assistance Program. JHEAP offers you and your household members free, confidential support and resources to enhance emotional well-being and work-life balance.

Upcoming webinars

Practicing Self-Compassion
Wednesday, May 22, at noon
It isn't always easy to show ourselves the same compassion we show others, but research has found that self-compassion helps us be less self-critical, resulting in decreased stress, increased resiliency, and improved life satisfaction. In this session, participants will learn the components of self-compassion and gain tools for turning their inner critic into an inner friend. Register here.

Getting the Help You Need
Thursday, May 30, at noon
Life can get so busy that we forget to check in with ourselves to see how we are doing. Are you anxious all the time? Sleeping well at night? Overeating or undereating? This seminar will provide you with the opportunity to evaluate your emotional and physical well-being and ultimately assist you in getting the help you might need. Register here.

Recorded webinars

It's important to remember that working on your mental health and finding tools that help you thrive takes time. By focusing on small changes, you can move through the challenges you face and develop long-term strategies to support yourself on an ongoing basis.

Tools for Today
Looking for ways to prioritize your mental and physical health? In this session, participants will learn self-care best practices and gain tools for personal fulfillment, including healthy eating, sleep routines, socialization, mindfulness, and more. Click here to watch the May 10 recording.

Setting Boundaries
In today's "always-on" environment, setting respectful boundaries is crucial to being successful and avoiding becoming overwhelmed. In this session, participants will learn practices for delegating, managing expectations, and staying consistent to achieve the personal and professional balance they desire. Click here to watch the May 14 recording.

JHEAP, the Johns Hopkins Employee Assistance Program

JHEAP offers you and your household members free access to resources that support total well-being, from professional counseling to provider referrals for everyday needs, support groups, and more.

Prioritize your mental health today and reach out to JHEAP at 888-978-1262 or submit your counseling request via an online request form.

Resources for JHU employees also can be found at (company code: JHEAP) and on the CCA@YourService app.

Posted in Health+Well-Being

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