You could be a JHU Healthy at Hopkins Wellness Champion

Are you passionate about well-being? You can share your enthusiasm with others—and help the university grow its programming

A happy woman is running on a roadside and carrying a water bottle


The JHU Healthy at Hopkins Wellness Champion program is seeking full-time Johns Hopkins University employees from all departments who are passionate about well-being and who want to share their enthusiasm with their colleagues. The goal is to build a team of champions who help inform individual staff and departments about existing JHU Healthy at Hopkins programs. Champions will have the opportunity to communicate to program developers the unique needs of their department so that JHU Healthy at Hopkins continues to evolve programming that best suits the university's diverse population and work environments.

It's recommended that interested staff communicate with, and have the support of, their manager before registering for the program.

The role of a champion is to:

  • Attend quarterly champion meetings
  • Promote well-being programs and initiatives
  • Engage with existing wellness resources
  • Encourage department-level wellness activities

All full-time JHU faculty and staff are eligible. The time commitment is two hours or more per quarter. A launch meeting will be held in early November, so you should sign up as soon as possible.

Want to be a champion? Register using this link or download the flyer for the QR code. You are encouraged to promote the program to staff who you think would be interested in participating.

Learn more about JHU Healthy at Hopkins here. If you have questions, reach out to

Posted in Health+Well-Being

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