Your myPerformance homepage has a new look

Quick Actions tiles allow users to easily find and organize information

Johns Hopkins' myPerformance homepage has been redesigned to make it easier for users to access and use key features of this module in the SuccessFactors system. The new page banner helps distinguish myPerformance from other modules in SuccessFactors, a change that is especially helpful for users who have access to multiple modules.

The upgraded homepage includes three key features.

  • Quick Actions tiles enable you to more quickly navigate to your team, employee profile, organizational charts, goal plans, reporting features (for Human Resources representatives and supervisors), mobile activation, and reminders. For your most frequently used actions, items from the Available list can be added to the Favorites tile so that all are in one convenient place.
  • For You Today provides quick access to performance forms that may require your attention.
  • Resources for You organizes tools and resources such as recorded FastFacts sessions, quick reference guides, and a tutorial on the yearly review cycle schedule.

Also important: JHU and JHHS managers who supervise employees in different parts of the enterprise can now see cross-entity resources.

You can check out the upgrades on the myPerformance homepage by logging in through the myJH portal and selecting the JHU myPerformance tile.

For additional information on accessing and using myPerformance, read Getting Started in SuccessFactors.

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