Get ready for the Great American Smokeout

Thursday, Nov. 18, is the day smokers—and vapers—can start a journey toward a healthy, smoke-free life

Man lighting a cigarette with smoke in the background


Content contributed by Johns Hopkins Work Stride: Managing Cancer at Work and JHU Wellness Programs.

The third Thursday in November is the day smokers—and vapers—can start a journey toward a healthy, smoke-free life. It's the Great American Smokeout, organized by the American Cancer Society.

We've all heard the warning repeatedly: Smoking can cause lung cancer. But it can also cause cancer of the esophagus, larynx, mouth, throat, kidney, bladder, liver, pancreas, stomach, cervix, colon, and rectum, as well as acute myeloid leukemia. That doesn't even include some of the other diseases caused by smoking such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis.

If you are a longtime smoker, you either don't want to quit or you've tried (and tried and tried) to quit and couldn't. Quitting smoking isn't easy for all sorts of reasons. You need determination and a plan and support. So circle Thursday, Nov. 18, on your calendar and join thousands of people across the country in taking an important step toward a healthier life and reducing your cancer risk.

Check out the CDC's infographic, and if you have questions about smoking cessation, contact your Johns Hopkins Work Stride oncology nurse navigator at 844-446-6229 or

Also, see these related resources through Johns Hopkins:

A must-read article on the Hub

Johns Hopkins Researchers Find Thousands of Unknown Chemicals in Electronic Cigarettes.

E-cigarettes: What You Need to Know webinar

This webinar will offer important information for parents and others who want the facts about e-cigarettes as they become more common, including the risks of secondhand smoke exposure. The session will examine the facts about e-cigs as an aid to quitting and how the FDA views and regulates their use. Resources and additional information will be provided.

It takes place from noon to 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 30. Register here.

Understanding Cancer Screenings and Risk Reduction webinar

One in two men and one in three women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Looking for information about how to reduce your risk? Not sure what cancer screenings are available to you? Join Work Stride: Managing Cancer at Work for an interactive webinar on the importance of timely screenings for lung and other cancers.

Whether you have a cancer diagnosis, are caring for someone who does, or have questions regarding cancer screenings and prevention, Johns Hopkins' Work Stride: Managing Cancer at Work program is designed to help you understand and navigate the cancer journey. You'll receive the personalized support of an oncology nurse navigator and a robust website with information developed by Johns Hopkins experts. You and your family members receive personalized advice, navigation, and tools to equip you to make appropriate decisions about treatment, work, and family life during this difficult time.

The webinar takes place from noon to 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 7. Register here.

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