Ask ALEX is back to help you choose

The interactive tool acts as a virtual benefits counselor to help you learn more about your JHU benefits options

Choosing the right health plan can help save you money. JHU provides resources to help you determine which plan is right for you, what doctors and hospitals are in your plan's network, and how to compare cost and quality. Making an informed decision about your health coverage can benefit you both medically and financially.

Cartoon character representing ALEX

Before you enroll in your 2022 benefits, use Ask ALEX, the university's interactive decision support tool. ALEX acts as a virtual benefits counselor to help you learn more about your JHU benefits options. ALEX will ask you a few questions about your health care needs (your answers remain anonymous, of course), crunch some numbers, and recommend a medical and/or dental plan that's best for your personal needs.

How to prepare

Using Ask ALEX is simple. You won't have to dig through your insurance records, but if you'd like to prepare for the questions about your medical and dental needs, it helps to have an idea of:

  • How many dependents you plan to cover
  • Estimated number of visits to a doctor
  • Estimated number of prescriptions
  • Estimated amount of dental care

How does Ask ALEX work?

By asking you a number of questions, ALEX estimates the total yearly out-of-pocket costs (a combination of your premium contributions and the costs for the services you plan to use) for each plan and recommends the one with the lowest overall cost to you based on your personal preferences.

Ask ALEX is easy to use—go to to get started.

Posted in Benefits+Perks

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