After a decade of bull market returns, recent volatility has rattled many investors. If you find yourself checking your retirement accounts daily and feel anxious when you see falling prices, register to attend the live Vanguard webinar Volatile Markets, which is scheduled for noon on Wednesday, June 26.
You do not need to be a Vanguard participant to register.
Steve Michael, a webinar specialist in Vanguard's Institutional Advice and Wellness Department, will review past market downturns and recoveries and will talk about the cyclical nature of the markets, along with the folly of market timing. He will provide fundamental solutions to help you stay calm amid market turmoil and keep a long-term outlook for your retirement investments.
Michael has worked with Vanguard institutional clients since 1996. He holds bachelor's degrees in psychology and broadcasting from Arizona State University and FINRA Series 6 and 63 licenses. He also maintains the Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor designation from the College for Financial Planning.
Register online for the webinar.
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