Save money on your commute to work

JHU's Commuting-to-Work Program allows you to have pre-tax deductions taken from your pay for eligible expenses

Man holds upright pole on a city bus


JHU's Commuting-to-Work Program allows you to have pre-tax deductions taken from your pay to cover eligible expenses associated with your daily commute to work.

And you do not need to wait for annual enrollment—you can sign up anytime during the year to start saving. It's a great way to put extra money in your pocket each month and make your commute more convenient and affordable.

You may elect a transit account (public transportation), parking account (non-JHU), or both. The amounts are excluded from your taxable income up to the amount allowed by the IRS.

For tax year 2019, the pre-tax spending limit for mass transit will increase from $260 to $265 per month. The limit for non-JHU parking will also increase to $265 per month. For those employees in the Washington, D.C., area, JHU's program complies with the transit amendment to the Clean and Affordable Energy Act.

WageWorks, our commuter benefits provider, offers transportation passes and automatic payment of your monthly non-JHU parking fees.

For more information or to enroll in the commuter program, go to wageworks.com or call 877-924-3967.

Posted in Benefits+Perks

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