Johns Hopkins programs support victims of domestic violence

Co-workers are often best positioned to help someone in need

A woman's outstretched open hands protect her face


Johns Hopkins cares about employees who are victims of domestic/intimate partner violence and offers resources and support to help individuals. Domestic/intimate partner violence takes place when one partner uses physical violence, intimidation, threats, or emotional, sexual, or economic abuse to control the other partner.

Co-workers often know about incidents of domestic/intimate partner violence and can be in the best position to elevate the situation for help because they are trusted. While domestic/intimate partner violence seems like a personal issue, it can become a workplace safety issue because the controlling partner knows where and when to find the victim. If the controlling partner comes to Johns Hopkins, faculty, staff, students, patients, and visitors can be at risk for violence.

Victims of domestic/intimate partner violence can benefit from support that improves safety and addresses emotions related to the abuse. FASAP, the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program, offers support to victims and provides referrals to community resources.

If employees know of a controlling domestic/intimate partner relationship and are concerned about its effects on the individuals and the workplace, it is important to say something. Concerns may be elevated to a supervisor, manager, or human resources/labor relations professional; Security; or Safe at Hopkins.

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