Do you want to get your monthly finances on track? To get started, mark noon on Tuesday, April 24, on your calendar.
You can learn about tools, tips, and strategies to help you balance paying down your debt with saving for your future goals by viewing the educational web workshop called Create a Budget, Ditch Your Debt, and Start Building for the Future.
Robert Crowley, senior virtual education consultant for Fidelity Investments, will share steps to help you manage your debt and feel more confident about your finances.
Crowley has been with Fidelity since 1998. Prior to his current role, he was a planning and guidance consultant for a group of Fidelity's tax-exempt clients, working with them to develop their financial plans. He is a Certified Financial Planner and a licensed insurance representative.
To participate, register here.
Posted in News+Info, Benefits+Perks
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