Focus on wellness: The benefits of losing weight

Image caption: Johns Hopkins' partnership with Weight Watchers offers employees discounted prices

Losing 5 percent of your body weight is a very big deal. Yes, of course you'll look and feel better, but more important, you'll be significantly healthier. It's a really good minigoal to aim for.

Did you know?

  • Losing 5–10 percent of your weight can decrease your chance of developing chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and weight-related cancers.
  • Losing 5–10 percent of your weight can reduce the severity of chronic conditions you may have, such as improving your blood sugar control if you have type 2 diabetes, or your ability to move with less joint pain if you have osteoarthritis.
  • Losing 5–10 percent of your weight can make you feel better by improving your sleep, your mood, and your overall quality of life.

Weight Watchers can help you achieve a minigoal of 5 percent weight loss or more. The university partners with the company to offer benefits-eligible employees 50 percent off Weight Watchers Online and Weight Watchers Monthly Pass for unlimited community meetings.

The Weight Watchers science-driven approach works by providing techniques and skills to help you lose weight, shift your mindset, and stay active. With a full suite of digital tools and in-person meetings, you can develop a plan that fits your lifestyle.

To purchase your discounted membership, or for more information, see the Weight Watchers flier on the Benefits website.