Workshop: Medical Coding—Respiratory and Digestive Surgery

Illustration of respiratory system

Image caption: This one-day class will cover the numerous guidelines that must be followed to address the two areas.

Professional Medical Coding Training Module 9: Respiratory and Digestive Surgery covers the numerous guidelines that must be followed to address these two areas.

The respiratory system covers surgeries on a number of anatomic sites such as nose, accessory sinuses, larynx, trachea and bronchi, and the lungs and pleura. Respiratory surgeries are highly specific in nature and range from open to endoscopic procedures.

The digestive process provides the body with fluids, nutrients, and electrolytes, and the performances of both these systems are intricate and crucial to the human body. The course will cover specific guidelines related to approaches for procedures such as endoscopic, Category III endoscopic, and excision versus destruction of digestive lesions, and will discuss noninvasive digestive procedures found in the medicine section of CPT.

The class will include hands-on exercises and a 30-minute quiz to test newly acquired or refreshed coding skills.

Register online for the one-day course, which will be offered by Learning and Development on Friday, Jan. 26.

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