Overcoming your presentation jitters

Did your development plan for 2017 include improving communication and leadership skills, overcoming a fear of public speaking, or learning how to improve the quality and effectiveness of your meetings and presentations?

In a fun, friendly, and encouraging environment, the Johns Hopkins at Eastern Toastmasters Club can help you achieve those goals. You can make this the year you find your voice.

The club is open to all JHU and JHHS employees.

Visitors are welcome at meetings, which take place each month from noon to 1 p.m. on the first Thursday and from 4 to 5 p.m. on the third Wednesday, both at Johns Hopkins at Eastern, Room C150. Upcoming dates are Wednesday, May 17; Thursday, June 6; and Wednesday, June 19.

To RSVP for a meeting or for more information, email contact-3688804@toastmastersclubs.org or visit the club's website.