Odyssey—a program of the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences' Advanced Academic Programs—offers more than 60 noncredit courses for personal enrichment, and tuition discounts are available for full-time faculty and staff, and their spouses and partners as well (see below).
Highlights of the fall offerings include a lecture series commemorating the 75th anniversary of the attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor that is coordinated by Alan D. Zimm, a retired commander of the U.S. Navy. Six lectures, including one by Donald Goldstein, author of At Dawn We Slept, begin Oct. 26 and finish Dec. 7, the date of the attack in 1941.
Other highlights include an all-day special titled Rediscovering the First American Government, during which Mark Croatti of Arts and Sciences will present four lectures, beginning with "The 14 Presidents Before Washington", all presented between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 5. JHU's Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center offers a mini–med school titled New Frontiers in Cancer Research. The five lectures, coordinated by Christian Meyer of the School of Medicine, begin Nov. 1. Odyssey also tackles three contentious issues of our time: Medical Cannabis, with Dan Morhaim of the Bloomberg School of Public Health; the A, B, C, and D's of Medicare, with Jason Frank of Arts and Sciences; and, new to Odyssey, lawyer Jim Astrachan takes on Gun Control and the Second Amendment in a four-part series.
The program introduces other new faces as well: Colleen Webster brings the story of two notable artists, Georgia O'Keeffe and Frida Kahlo, "to life" in Living History; Douglas Buchanan of the Peabody Conservatory gives a three-lecture series on Johann Sebastian Bach; and the Certificate on Aging program has three new lecturers: Alexandra Kueider of the Bloomberg School of Public Health, Psychology of Aging; Jessica Rowe of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Adult Children and Their Aging Parents, and Randy Packett, Financial Planning and Retirement.
To view all fall courses and lecturer bios for fall 2016, access Odyssey's online catalog.
Tuition discounts of 80 percent are available for full-time Johns Hopkins faculty and staff, spouses and partners receive 50 percent discounts, and alumni are eligible for 25 percent discounts. Faculty and staff who qualify for a tuition discount cannot use the online course registration form; please call Bada Hebron, course registrar, at 410-516-8516.*
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