WorkLife Presents: Lunchtime workshops available to faculty and staff in April

A variety of workshops, events, and programs are offered to the Johns Hopkins community by the Office of Work, Life and Engagement to help faculty and staff enrich their personal and professional lives. Lunchtime workshops on the East Baltimore, Homewood, and Keswick campuses are led by WorkLife staff and experts from Johns Hopkins and elsewhere.

An overview of scheduled workshops is available on the WorkLife website.

Registration is required, and the workshops are brought to you at no cost as part of your HR benefits package.

The Plan for Personal Finance Series: Your Financial Future
Tuesday April 5, 2:30 to 5 p.m., East Baltimore

Please join us for this exciting new workshop designed to reduce your stress and fear around planning for your financial future, especially if you are a midcareer employee.

A Certified Financial Planner will identify and discuss the six components of the financial planning process, which include cash flow/budgeting, investment planning, and tax planning. Case studies will bring the process to life and illustrate how you might easily incorporate these concepts into your financial life. Come with your questions and be ready to be empowered. Please note that this is a two-and-a-half-hour workshop. Plan to stay for the duration of the program so that you receive information on all six components of the financial planning process.

Live Near Your Work and Other Incentive Programs for Homebuyers Tuesday, April 12, noon to 1 p.m., East Baltimore
Wednesday, April 27, noon to 1 p.m., Homewood

Katie Schroeder, Live Near Your Work coordinator, will discuss the steps employees need to take to use a Live Near Your Work grant to help purchase a home in Baltimore City. Staff from Live Baltimore will discuss additional financial incentives available to all homebuyers, whether or not they participate in the Johns Hopkins Live Near Your Work program.

The Power of Whole Foods + Open Q&A
Tuesday, April 19, noon to 1 p.m., East Baltimore

Learn about the power of whole foods and how they affect physiology, plus the importance and applicability of biochemical individuality. After a brief presentation, the floor will be open for Q&A on any and all topics related to diet, lifestyle, and stress management. Bring your questions with you.