Today's Announcements FAQ
Today’s Announcements is an overview of Johns Hopkins University announcements and events that is delivered to the inboxes of more than 6,500 faculty and staff (primarily at the university’s Homewood, Keswick, Eastern, and Mount Washington locations) each weekday. Note that at this time, Today’s Announcements emails are not being delivered to students.
The messages include timely information from the Hub’s existing announcements digest and events listings.
What is the difference between an event and an announcement?
An event is something that happens on a specific date at a specific time in a specific place—concerts, speakers, theater performances, symposia. Generally, events are open to anyone in the Johns Hopkins community (and sometimes to people who aren’t affiliated with the university).
An announcement is something more general that you want people around the university to know about—a new program or resource on campus, an ongoing canned food drive, or a general notice about flu shots, for example. Notices about upcoming events that have registration or RSVP deadlines are also accepted.
If you’re not sure if what you want to submit is an event or an announcement, we’re happy to help. Email your questions to
How do I submit events and announcements?
Visit our Submit Events and Submit Announcements pages. You can find links to both forms on the bottom of every page on the Hub (including articles).
I submitted my event to the calendar. Can I also submit an announcement?
Announcements about upcoming events are not accepted and will be deleted. Exceptions will be made for events that have an advance registration or RSVP deadline.
When will my event or announcement show up in Today’s Announcements?
Events appear twice—once the day before the event, once the day of the event. Events scheduled for Saturday or Sunday will be included in Thursday and Friday email messages. Of course, you can always see all upcoming events (and sort by date, campus, and topic) on the Hub’s events calendar.
Announcements appear on a date(s) of your choosing, but not more than one time per week; the default is for an announcement to appear on the day after you submit it. To guarantee that your event or announcement appears the next day in Today’s Announcements, it must be submitted by noon.
How can I guarantee that my event or announcement will be at the top of the Today’s Announcements email?
Announcements appear at the top of the email and, if there is more than one announcement, the order is determined by calendar administrators. Events appear after the announcements and are listed in chronological order based on the time at which they begin. So morning events will be listed first, followed by afternoon and evening events.
Who will see my announcement or event?
Today’s Announcements is sent to more than 6,500 subscribers, primarily faculty and staff at the university’s Homewood, Keswick, Eastern, and Mount Washington locations. Announcements and events submitted to the Hub will be sent to those subscribers each weekday.
What if an event is for students only?
Information for student-only events should be submitted to the Hub events calendar.
I don’t receive the Today’s Announcements emails. Can I?
Sure. Just fill out our signup form to add your name to our distribution list.