Advisory committee will help guide Hopkins Student Center effort

Students invited to apply by April 8 to be a part of group that will help determine how student center can enhance campus community, foster school spirit

A new student center is coming to Johns Hopkins University's Homewood campus, and members of the university community are invited to be a part of planning efforts as a vision for the building takes shape.

The Hopkins Student Center Advisory Committee—made up of undergraduate and graduate students, as well as faculty and staff—will be involved from day one, collaborating with university leadership and the building design team to offer perspectives on how the student center can enhance the campus community and foster school spirit.

Blue Jay on a seesaw
Student center planned at Homewood

Long-sought social space for Johns Hopkins students will be built at intersection of Charles and 33rd streets, is expected to be completed by end of summer 2024 By

Students who serve on the committee will play a key role in developing and implementing a broad student engagement strategy. They'll also ensure that student center programming reflects students' interests and needs, and that spaces are inclusive and encourage collaboration.

Students from all Hopkins divisions are encouraged to apply. Faculty and staff membership of the committee is currently being finalized based on recommendations from JHU's academic and student affairs leadership.

"Student engagement in our process is critical," says Alanna Shanahan, JHU's director of athletics and recreation and the committee's chairperson. "Student members of our advisory committee will play a key role in not only helping us identify and evaluate the programmatic aspects of our new Hopkins Student Center, but also serve as a key resource as we look to design and implement engagement opportunities for the student body generally."

Generations of Hopkins students have persistently and repeatedly voiced a desire for a dedicated student center that promotes social interaction and encourages community-building beyond the classroom. During a campus party on the Beach earlier this month, JHU President Ronald J. Daniels announced plans to construct a student center near the intersection of 33rd and Charles streets—close to the heart of Homewood activity. The building, made possible through fundraising and generous philanthropic support, will be designed to create a welcoming and dynamic entrance to the university from Charles Village.

Initial estimates suggest the project could be completed by the end of summer 2024.

Eight seats on the committee will be reserved for students, including two slots for members of Homewood student government—one from the Student Government Association, one from the Graduate Representative Organization. The committee will convene this spring and meet for 60 to 90 minutes on a monthly basis throughout the planning process.

Students are invited to apply online to join the Hopkins Student Center Advisory Committee. Applications are due by April 8. The full committee will be announced in mid-April.

For more information and updates about the Hopkins Student Center project, visit

Correction: An earlier version of this article incorrectly stated that staff and faculty could apply for the advisory committee. The Hub regrets the error.

Posted in Student Life