Breastfeeding Support Program opens 25th mothers room

Image caption: From the left: Todd Dorman, Barbara Fowler, Meg Stoltzfus, Michelle Carlstrom, Landon King, Ian Reynolds, and Jack Grinnalds

Credit: Will Kirk / Johns Hopkins University

On Jan. 30, the Office of Work, Life and Engagement held a ribbon-cutting ceremony in East Baltimore's Turner Concourse for the opening of Johns Hopkins' 25th mothers room. Breastfeeding women who work in Turner and the Miller Research Building, as well as those who visit Turner for conferences, trainings, and workshops, will benefit from the multistation room with hospital-grade pumps.

The space is dedicated to Jack Grinnalds, who retired this month from his position as senior director of Facilities Management on the East Baltimore campus and was instrumental in opening this facility, as well as the mothers rooms in the 2024 East Monument Building and the Pre-Clinical Teaching Building.

The Breastfeeding Support Program has flourished over the past few years, opening 10 mothers rooms in 2015 and 2016. The Turner facility is the first to open in 2017, with another in the planning stages. In opening these rooms, Work, Life and Engagement credits both the mothers who championed additional rooms and supportive leadership.

Other recently opened rooms are in the 415 N. Washington Building, the 1812 Ashland Building, and the School of Nursing.

To find out more about the Breastfeeding Support Program or to register to use one of the 25 mothers rooms, visit the Breastfeeding Support page of the Work, Life and Engagement website.