The university will begin implementing its Future of Work model on Feb. 1; a formal policy and guidelines are now available on the human resources website
Recipients of the annual MLK Jr. Community Service Awards were recognized during the 41st MLK Jr. Commemoration event, held in person for the first time since January 2020
A member of the Hopkins Nursing faculty for more than two decades, she was known for her scholarly work involving health disparities, pain management, and palliative care
Goldberg was a towering presence in the fields of early modern British literature, poststructuralist literary studies, and LGBTQ studies and queer theory
In FY 2021, JHU spent a record $3.181B—nearly $1.5B more than the next highest institution on the annual list compiled by the National Science Foundation
'NBC Nightly News' highlights JHU's inclusive approach to admissions, one that has 'opened up a lot more space for us to be able to recruit students from a host of different backgrounds,' President Ron Daniels says
The fellowship, sponsored by the governments of Australia, India, Japan, and the United States, supports interdisciplinary scientific and technological innovations