Archived articles


Grad student startups shine in Heartland Challenge
Published May 8, 2023
Hopkins was the only university with three teams in the semifinals of the competition, which simulates the process of raising venture capital for new technologies
Research funding
Discovery Awards received by 35 interdisciplinary research teams
Published May 8, 2023
Winning projects—chosen from 191 proposals—include 115 individuals from across the university
Research funding
37 faculty members receive Johns Hopkins Catalyst Awards
Published May 8, 2023
Honorees representing dozens of fields receive $75K each to support their work
Faculty honors
Peter Armitage receives 2023 Brown Investigator Award
Published May 2, 2023
Armitage will receive $2M over the next five years for mid-career, curiosity-driven research
Design Day
Student engineers empower independence
Published April 28, 2023
On Design Day, mechanical engineering students will present their system allowing blind people to manufacture their own canes. Set for Tuesday, May 2, the annual event showcases students' research and prototypes providing solutions to real-world problems.
Artificial intelligence
The doctor is out, but it's OK. ChatGPT can answer your questions
Published April 28, 2023
A new study finds that ChatGPT outperforms human physicians in quality and empathy of responses to patient concerns
JHU meets emissions reduction goal 3 years ahead of schedule
Published April 28, 2023
The Annual Sustainability Report outlines accomplishments from across the enterprise over the past year while maintaining a focus on future goals
Innovative resources
Students create tool to help predict targeted violence in high schools
Published April 26, 2023
The resource is designed to increase the understanding students' well-being and allow counselors to make more informed decisions on outreach
Student Success
29 current Hopkins affiliates receive NSF Graduate Research Fellowships
Published April 25, 2023
The fellowships celebrate exceptional students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines
Course offers study of emerging field
Published April 25, 2023
A new course, designed by Deok-Ho Kim, focuses on microphysiological systems, which are used to study human disease, drug development, and precision medicine