Archived articles


Artificial intelligence
Fighting fake 'facts'
Published Aug 1, 2023
Inspired by journalists, Hopkins researchers discover a new technique to ground a large language model's answers in reality
Space exploration
News flash: Study decodes secrets of impacts in space
Published July 18, 2023
By creating small impact flashes down on Earth, JHU researchers can better understand collisions in outer space
Artificial intelligence
A modern-day Magic 8 Ball?
Published July 17, 2023
Artificial intelligence is becoming more common, but that doesn't mean it's always reliable, argues AI expert Anton Dahbura
Artificial intelligence
Unleashing the digital Michelangelo
Published July 12, 2023
Johns Hopkins and NVIDIA researchers teamed up to pioneer Neuralangelo, a revolutionary 3D reconstruction algorithm with applications in virtual reality, autonomous systems, and more
Space exploration
Supernovae are important source of dust for young galaxies
Published July 12, 2023
James Webb Space Telescope detects large amounts of dust in the aftermath of the explosive deaths of distant stars
Power struggle: shedding light on why batteries degrade
Published July 12, 2023
What makes batteries lose their effectiveness? Yayuan Liu is turning to electrochemistry for the answer
Graduate student honors
PhD student's team wins top prize at Merck KGaA Innovation Cup
Published July 12, 2023
Whiting School doctoral student Anastasia Georgiou and her teammates from all over the world developed a winning concept and business plan
Space exploration
Euclid space telescope data will shed light on evolution of dark universe
Published July 11, 2023
Three Hopkins scientists—Chuck Bennett, Brice Ménard, and Graeme Addison—are part of the science team that will analyze mission data
Brain science
How we hear the sound of silence
Published July 11, 2023
Johns Hopkins philosophers and psychologists used auditory illusions to solve an ancient puzzle: whether people can hear more than sounds
Global health
The chemistry of mosquito attraction
Published July 6, 2023
New discoveries by Johns Hopkins researchers about mosquitoes' human scent preferences could lead to novel malaria interventions