Archived articles


35 under 35
Hopkins engineer named to MIT innovator list
Published Sept 15, 2023
Yayuan Liu recognized for her work creating carbon-capture devices
Tiny tubes target hard-to-treat cancer
Published Sept 15, 2023
Technology developed by JHU engineers could eventually treat an aggressive type of breast cancer
'Legos' enhance function of natural proteins
Published Sept 14, 2023
A new synthetic protein developed by Johns Hopkins engineers could be a promising candidate for future drug development.
To reduce carbon emissions, just add water
Published Sept 5, 2023
A strategy developed by a team of Johns Hopkins researchers could lead to more efficient methods for converting carbon dioxide into valuable chemicals and fuels
Biomedical engineering
Navigational technology aids brain surgery visualization
Published Aug 31, 2023
Researchers demonstrate promise of 'augmented endoscopy,' a real-time neurosurgical guidance method that uses advanced computer vision
Missing piece in human genome decoded
Published Aug 23, 2023
Chromosome associated with male development fully sequenced by a team of more than 100 researchers around the world
Biomedical engineering
Machine learning model could enable targeted therapies for genetic diseases
Published Aug 10, 2023
Discovery by team of Johns Hopkins researchers could enable the development of therapies for cancer or other genomic diseases by activating genes on demand
Latest in body art? 'Tattoos' for individual cells
Published Aug 7, 2023
New technology involving dots and wires adhering to live cells could some day provide early warnings for health problems
Data science
University makes major investment in data science, artificial intelligence
Published Aug 3, 2023
A new institute will bring together experts from a wide range of disciplines to capitalize on the rapidly emerging potential of data to fuel discovery
Health Policy Forum
Parikh calls for scientists to connect with public, policymakers
Published Aug 1, 2023
CEO of AAAS says better science communication is key to dismantling distrust among some legislators and the general public in the ninth installment of JHU's Health Policy Forum series